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Autism and Bedwetting-A Guide For Parents

Is your child with autism struggling with bedwetting?

Does he have a hard time staying dry throughout the night?

Below is a list of tips to help your child with Autism and bedwetting.

1.Reduce fluids after dinner to prevent bedwetting with children with Autism

This is will help your child go to sleep with an empty bladder and prevent him/her from bedwetting. 

2. Wake your child up before you go to sleep and take him to the bathroom to prevent bedwetting.

This helps get their body used to waking in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and of course avoid bedwetting accidents. 

3. Sometimes, it is smart to wait without intervention for bedwetting.

Research shows that it is unclear if training at night is better than waiting. As long as your child is trained by day, it may be smart to wait to add interventions.

Often children wake up dry and urinate right when they wake up. If you set your alarm 10 minutes before they wake up to check, you can see where we are holding.This will help when working on bedwetting with a child with Autism.

For sure wait 6-12 months after toilet training before beginning to work on keeping your child with autism dry through the night. 

4. Night Training with a Pants Alarm

To night train, use a pants alarm to help them wake up and attach the training routine as usual. This helps when working on bedwetting with a child with autism.

5. Deep Sleeper

Of course, there will be children that are deep sleepers and this won’t help. Speak with your doctor regarding medication. The problem with the medication is that they have a high rate of relapse.

We trust that you found this guide supportive for parents dealing with bedwetting and autism.



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